The Mod Section

Mods for the Close Combat game series.

Go to Dieppe page

The Dieppe Raid

Operation Jubilee


  • For Close Combat Gateway to Caen

  • Dieppe, France, 19th August 1942.

  • 12 New, custom made maps.

  • New 3D drawn strategic map.

  • Allied forces: Canadian and British.

  • Axis forces: German.

  • Released 2023.



August 19th 1942 was the day that the Canadian Second Infantry Division was hit severely with the grim reality of the Second World War, having been kept out of the frontlines until that moment. The division had been training since mid May 1942 for an amphibious landing operation and were considered ready for Operation Jubilee, but were they really? Can you do better and overcome the beach defenses and accomplish the historical tasks?

Go to Rhineland page

Rhineland '45

Operations Blockbuster, Grenade, Veritable


  • For Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem

  • The Rhineland, Germany, February-March 1945

  • 64 New, custom made maps.

  • Allied forces: American, British, Canadian.
  • Axis forces: German.

  • The first all new mod for Last Stand Arnhem.

  • Released 2016



The Rhineland '45 mod takes you to the Allied offensive to clear the area between the rivers Meuse and Rhine, from the Dutch-German border near Nijmegen in the north and the river Roer in the south, in February and March 1945. It depicts operations Veritable and Blockbuster in the Commonwealth forces sector in the north and operation Grenade in the south, fought by the Americans.

The Germans were caught in a pincer movement and were heavily outnumbered.

Ortona '43

Operation Encroach


  • For Close Combat Invasion Normandy.

  • Converted to Cross of Iron.

  • Ortona, Italy, December 1943.

  • 41 maps, varying from rural to urban.

  • Includes Campaigns, Operations and Battles.

  • Allied forces: Canadian (infantry).

  • Axis forces: German (Panzergrenadiere, FJ).

  • Released 2013.



The Italian landscape along its north-eastern coast is carved by ravines, gullies and steep slopes. These natural barriers were used by the Germans to great effect in their strategic defense. In front of Ortona, two opposing forces had just arrived at the river Moro: the 1st Canadian Infantry Division and the 90th Panzergrenadier Division. The impending clash would be an opportunity for both formations to prove their worth. 

Go to Ortona page

The Gully

The Battle of the Scheldt

Operations Infatuate, Switchback, Vitality


  • For Close Combat Invasion Normandy.

  • Converted to Cross of Iron.

  • The Netherlands, October 1944

  • 44 New maps of plenty variety.

  • Includes Campaigns, Operations and Battles.

  • Allied forces: British, Canadian (infantry, commando).

  • Axis forces: German (Infantry, Grenadiere, FJ).

  • Our first mod!

  • Released 2010.



The Belgian port of Antwerp was captured in September 1944 in operational condition. However, this was only a phyrric victory due to its disadvantageous location at the mouth of the river Scheldt. The port was separated from the North Sea by the West-Scheldt estuary, both banks of which were still under control of German forces that were well entrenched in Atlantikwall bunkers and that had heavy artillery guns dialed in on the waterway.

In October, the Canadians were ordered to clear both banks of the West-Scheldt and were in for an arduous and exhausting struggle.

Go to Scheldt page

The Mod Section


We are "Buck_Compton" and "Pete" in the Close Combat community, mod creators since 2007.

Special contributor: Schnellemeyer.

Our logo depicts a brush and a pen that represent the creativity and research that go into making a Close Combat mod.

The Mod Section


We are known as "Buck_Compton" and "Pete" in the Close Combat community, mod creators since 2007.

Special contributor: Schnellemeyer.



We do not own or claim any copyrights pertaining to the Close Combat games.

To play a mod for the Close Combat series you must own a legal copy of the game.

Textures used in The Dieppe Raid mod are copyright © of Koen Bekkema.


Permission to use anything from this website - Creative Common licensed images excepted -  only in writing from the website owner.

Last edited: July 2024